Warm up
Mobility Bundle: do each exercise for 30s
For 2 rounds
3 * :30 w/ 10s in rest
Do 3 sets in a row of 1 exercise, 30s on 10s rest, then move to the next in under 60s. You have a total of 15 exercises
1. 10 plyo lunges + 4 back lunges
2. Db stiff leg to upright row
3. 2 arm circles + 1 push up
4. Inverted rows
5. Froggers
6. Shoulder loaded step up (small box)
7. Bird dog (hold static for 2 sets, alternate on the 3rd)
8. Lat pull down w/underhand grip
9. Butterfly sit ups
10. Db pullover on bench
11. 1 push up + 5 bearcrawls
12. Db oh tricep extension
13. Side plank for 2 sets + plank
14. 5s hang + 1 pull up (lat pull-down variation)
15. Row or ski