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Adonis Upper body Slpit (Day 4)

Warm up

3 rounds

10 bird dogs

10 bent over db flys (very light weight)

3 rounds

10 windmills

10 db chest flys (light)

3 rounds

3 inch worms

12 supermans

3 rounds

12 DB bench press

12 butterfly sit ups


5 rounds

:25 db bench press

:25 db tricep extension

:50 rest

5 rounds

:25 lat pulldown

:25 db bicep curls

:50 rest

4 rounds

:25 ghd sit ups

:25 plank

:50 rest

4 rounds

:25 bosu ball db bench press with neutral grip

:25 bosu ball sit ups

:25 rest

4 rounds

:25 seated row

:25 bosu ball superman

:25 rest

3 rounds

:25 close arm push ups (max reps)

:25 inverted rows max reps

:50 rest

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