1:00 row (light)
1:00 bike (light)
1:00 sled push (light)
1:00 4 side lunges + 1 inchworm
2:00 row (moderate pace)
2:00 bike (moderate pace)
2:00 sled push (moderate weight)
2:00 8 push ups + 16 mountain climbers
3:00 row (high intensity)
3:00 bike (high intensity)
3:00 sled push (heavy weight)
3:00 12 db stiff leg deadlift + 12 cable tricep push down
4:00 row (high/moderate intensity)
4:00 bike (high/moderate intensity)
4:00 sled push (moderate weight)
4:00 AMRAP
15 Db squat to press
15 db front squats
30 plate calve raises
5:00 row (moderate intensity)
5:00 bike (moderate intensity)
5:00 sled push (moderate weight)
5:00 AMRAP
15 Db bicep curls
15 underhand lat pull-down
30 bicycles (hard count)
Self defense: real world tactics. Focuses on things you can do against someone bigger, stronger, and more aggressive.
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