warm up
4 rounds
3 shoulder passes
6 bird dogs
9 superman
4 rounds
15 underhand DB bentover row (light)
4 rounds
10 DB pullovers (light/moderate weight)
15 barbell bent over row (light weight)
5 rounds
8 barbell deadlifts (start with light weight and finish with moderate/heavy)
:60 rest
5 rounds
10-12 1-arm DB bent over row (heavy)
:90 rest
5 rounds
12 lat pulldowns
5 rounds
12 seated rows
15 db shoulder press (light)
4 rounds
12 barbell bicep curls
:60 rest
4 rounds
12 Cable rope bicep curls
:60 rest
4-8 rounds (4 rounds heavy or 8 rounds light)
50 m sled pull (band around the waist, no grip!)