Warm up
3 rounds
3 side to side lunge (each side) + 10 good mornings
3 rounds
12 DB Lunges (light weight) + 8 goblet Squats (light weight)
3 rounds
10 DB Lunges (moderate weight) + 8 goblet Squats (moderate weight)
3*12 (start light & work up to moderate weight)
3*6 (moderate to moderate heavy weight)
Barbell Back Step lunges
4*16 (155/115)(135/95)(115/65)
3 Rounds Superset
12 leg extensions + 12 DB goblet squats
Then take a :90 rest
Lateral leg raise on cables
4*8 (light/moderate)
Leg curls
4*10-12 (moderate heavy)
Calve raises on the plates
3*20 (light moderate weight)
3 rounds
2:00 sled push (max distance + :90 rest)