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‘Back to the Basics’ (wk 12 #3)

Warm up

3 rounds

3 inchworms + 10 bird dogs

3 rounds

12 DB bench press (light weight) + 8 Seated sips (knees bent)

3 rounds

10 DB Bench Press (light/moderate weight) + 8 DB flys


Barbell Bench Press

3*12 (start light & work up to moderate weight)

3*6 (moderate to moderate heavy weight)

Include DB Bench Press

4*10-12 (moderate to moderate heave weight)

5 Rounds Superset

8 DB chest flys+ 15 DB Bench press

Then take a :90 rest

Chest press machine

4*10 (moderate)

Barbell skull crushers

4*10-12 (light/moderate)

Rope tricep pushdowns

4*12 (lmoderate)


3 rounds

2:00 assault bike(max distance + :90 rest)

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