Warm up
3 rounds
:10 duck walks
:10 toe walk
3 rounds
:10 inch worms
:10 sea turtles
3 rounds
:10 high knees
:10 butt kicks
3 rounds
:10 shuffle
:10 Carioca
3 rounds
:10 bear crawl
:10 plank
5 rounds
:25 squat jacks
:50 back pedal
5 rounds
:25 walking lunge w/curl
:50 run
5 rounds
:25 one-leg glute bridge on bench
:50 of 10 bicycles + 10 leg lifts
5 rounds
:25 deficit sumo squat
:50 ten meter bear crawl + ten meter Frankenstein
5 rounds
:25 med ball on the should lunge
:50 med ball toss