Warm up
250 m row {2:00}
4 rounds
- :25 lateral band walk {6:00} - :25 good mornings
4 rounds
-:25 inchworms {10:00}
-:25 soldier kicks
4 rounds
- :25 hand to foot exchange on exercise ball {13:00}
- :25 leg curls on ball

4 rounds
- :25 single leg glute bridge on the box/bench
- :10 rest between sets
4 rounds - :25 hanging leg lift - :35 rest (5:00) {23:00}

6 rounds
- :30 barbell glute bridge
::3 sets working up in weight + 3 heavy work set
(7:00) {32:00}

4 rounds
- :30 exercise ball pike
- :15 rest {36:00}

5 rounds
- :30 Deficit Sumo deadlifts DB or KB
- :30 rest (70/55) or (55/35)
(6:00) {43:00}
4 Rounds
- 50 m walking lunge
- 250 row (for time)