Warm up
3 Rounds
100 m jog
50 m sled push (very light)
50 m sled pull (light) {6:00}
3 Rounds
50 m shuffle
25 m lateral sled pull (very light)
25 m lateral sled pull (light) {11:00}
3 Rounds
:45 T-Bar Row (max reps/12-20 reps) [immediately go to sled]
50 m sled pull (moderate heavy) [walk back to T-Bar Row Machine] {20:00}
1 Round
:90 Assault bike (max calories/save number for future reference)
3 Rounds
:45 chest press machine(max reps/12-20 reps) [immediately go to sled]
50 m sled push (moderate heavy) [walk back to chest press machine] {32:00}
1 Round
:90 Assault bike (max calories)
3 Rounds
:45 hammer strength lat pulldown (max reps/12-20 reps) [immediately go to sled]
25 m lateral sled pull (moderate heavy) {43:00}
1 Round
:90 Assault bike (max calories)
4 rounds
:40 reverse goblet lunge (max reps/:20 rest)
Exercise guide
sled push

sled pull

lateral sled pull (very light)

T-Bar Row

Assault bike

chest press machine

hammer strength lat pulldown

reverse goblet lunge
