Warm Up
3 rounds
:25 side lunge
:25 db press (very light)
:25 db rows (very light)
3 rounds
:25 push ups
:25 modified inverted rows
:25 rest
4 rounds
:25 bench press (moderate to heavy weight)
:25 t bar row (moderate to heavy weight)
:25 rest
4 rounds
:25 chest flys
:25 modified push ups on bench
:25 weighted calf raises on plates
4 rounds
:25 track star lunge
:25 track star lunge
:25 alternating 2 on 1 should press
4 rounds
:25 chest flys
:25 modified mountain climbers on bench
:25 sumo squats
4 rounds
:25 weighted cobras
:25 bird dogs
:25 behind the head lat pull downs
4 rounds
:25 static weighted bird dog (2.5-5 lbs)
:25 static weighted bird dog
:25 plank