Warm up
Leg Curls
3*14 Leg Curls (light weight) + 10 m Duckwalk
3*12 Leg Curls (moderate weight) + 20 m lunge
3*10 Leg Curls (heavy weight/work sets!!) + :45-:60 rest
1 Set 50 m Walking DB Lunge (light/moderate weight)
Barbell Squats
3*12 Squats (light) + 10 Low side lunges
3*8 (moderate weight) + 5 inchworms
3*5 (moderate/heavy) + :90 rest
::hack squats as modification for the squats::
5 Rounds alternating between
10 Barbell Stiff Leg Dead Lifts +
12 Kneeling Hip thrust with shoulder press
::moderate to moderate heavy weight on the barbell stiff leg deadlift::
12 minute AMRAP
10 RFL lunges (each leg)
20 m Walking DB Lunge
10 Goblet Squats (1 DB)
20 m Walking DB Lunge