Warm up
4 rounds (start light, gradually increase weight)
12 leg curls
12 bicep curls
12 standing overhead tricep extensions
12 calf raise
4 rounds (start light, gradually increase weight)
12 leg extensions
12 wide arm bicep curl
12 tricep kickbacks
12 calf raise toes pointed out
Drop set: 4 consecutive sets of 10-12. Do one set with heaviest weight then immediately take 10-20lbs off and do the next set. Do all 4 sets before you rest.
4 Rounds
12 Leg Curls (Drop Set: 12 heavy, 12 moderate, 12 light, 12 very light then go to next)
12 Seated Hammer Curls (Drop Set ".....")
::::rest :60 then repeat::::
4 Rounds
12 Leg Extension (Drop Set)
12 Tricep Cable Pushdown (Drop Set ".....")
::::rest :60 then repeat::::
5 Rounds
10 Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise (Slow in both directions)
::::no rest, keep alternating::::
3 rounds
2:00 Assault Bike (max distance)

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