Warm up
3 rounds
10 m lateral band walk
10 good mornings
3 rounds
10 bird dogs
10 sea turtles
3 rounds
5 m side lunges (each sides)
5 m inchworm
3 rounds
30 bicycles
30 mountain climbers
5 rounds
:25 m lateral band walk (each direction)
:25 bicep curls (light)
5 rounds
:25 Leg extensions (max reps)
:25 Wide arm bicep curls (light)
100 m farmers carry
5 rounds
:30 Goblet squats
:30 Curl to press to negative curl
100 m waiters carry
4 rounds
:30 barbell bicep curls
:30 barbell skull crushers
:30 around the world with plates {25:00}
4 rounds
:30 ab roller
:30 plank
:30 med ball lunge (on shoulder carry)
4 rounds
:30 assault bike (max distance)
:60 row (max distance)