warm up
3 rounds
10 m duck walks
10 m toe walks
10 m side lunges
3 rounds
10 m lateral band walk (each direction)
10 m forward monster walk with band (each direction)
3 rounds
20 m 1-arm DB side lunge (each direction)
40 glute bridge (from the floor)
250 m row
5 rounds
:35 heel elevated goblet squats
:45 rest
100 m sled pull (moderate weight/ stay in a low position)
5 rounds
:25 Barbell glute bridge (on bench or box)
:25 leg extensions
:50 rest
100 m sled pull (moderate weight/ stay in a low position)
5 rounds
20 DB lunges (55/35)(45/25)(35/15)
20 KB Sumo squats (70/53)(53/35)(35/20)
:60 rest
100 m sled pull (moderate weight/ stay in a low position)