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Mummy Wrap Workout (upper body AMRAP)

Warm up

2:30 Amrap

5 shoulder pass throughs w/ pvc pipe

10 wide grip behind the head press w/ pvc pipe

10 arm circles (no pvc pipe)

2:30 Amrap

1 inch worm w/push up

10 shoulder taps

10s childs pose

2:30 Amrap

100 m row

10 shoulder press (very light)

10 bicep curls (very light)


7:00 Amrap (write down how many rounds you do)

12 push up

12 half sumo squat into a high pull

12 leg lift

3:00 rest

7:00 Amrap (write down how many rounds you do)

12 push press

12 bent over row 

12 tricycle

3:00 rest

7:00 Amrap (write down how many rounds you do)

12 hammer curl w/ static quarter squat

12 underhand bent over row (bend over at a 45 degree angle)

12 tricycle

3:00 rest

7:00 conditioning of your choice

  • Bike, run, row, ski

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