Warm up
3 rounds
20 m duck walk
20 m toe walk
10 m lunge
3 rounds
:25 spider man lunge
:25 soldier kicks
:25 glute bridges
3 rounds
:25 leg extensions
:25 bodyweight squats
:25 curtsy squats
5 rounds
15 leg extensions (moderate to moderate heavy)
15 DB or KB Goblet squats (70/55)(55/35)(35/15)
:60 rest
5 rounds
12 db rear foot elevated lunge (each side)
5 rounds
12 db stiff leg deadlift
15 leg press machine
3 rounds
:30 leg curls
:30 weighted glute bridges on bench (light to light moderate weight)
5 rounds
:30 assault bike (max distance)
:60 rest