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"Push Day"

Warm up

1:00 row (bike, treadmill variation low intensity)

3 rounds

10 m toe walks

10 m duck walks

1:00 row (bike, treadmill variation moderate intensity)

3 rounds

10 m side lunge

10 m soldier kicks

1:00 row (bike, treadmill variation moderate intensity)

3 rounds

3 inchworms

12 sea turtles

1:00 row (bike, treadmill variation high intensity)

3 rounds

15 db press (light)

25 m bear crawl (:45 high plank/ variation)


3:00 row (bike, treadmill variation moderate to high intensity)

5 rounds

12 DB overhead tricep extension

12 barbell bench press (moderate to moderate/light)

3:00 row (bike, treadmill variation moderate to high intensity)

4 rounds

12 DB skull crushers

12 db incline bench press

3:00 row (bike, treadmill variation moderate to high intensity)

4 rounds

15 cable tricep push downs

15 tricep dips (on box or bench)

3:00 row (bike, treadmill variation moderate to high intensity)

3 rounds

12 cable overhead tricep pushdown

5 - 12 push ups (pick a number based on your level

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