Warm up
:30 - duck walk
:30 - toe walk
:30 - side to side lunge
:30 - soldier kicks
:30 - hamstring curl
:30 - inchworm to squat
:30 - hamstring curl
:30 - glute bridge from floor
:30 - hamstring curl
:30 - spiderman lunge
:30 - hamstring curl
:30 - db sumo squat
4 rounds
:30 leg extension (light to moderate)
:30 Goblet squats (light to moderate)
:30 rest
4 rounds
:25 leg extension (moderate to heavy)
:25 Goblet squats (moderate to heavy)
:50 rest
5 rounds
:25 barbell stiff leg deadlift (moderate weight)
:35 rest
5 rounds
:25 barbell glute bridge on box (moderate to heavy weight)
:25 fire hydrants
:25 fire hydrants
:50 rest
3 rounds
25 m db lunge (put dumbbells down)
25 m lunge (bodyweight only)
50 quick calf raises (bodyweight only)
3:00 assault bike (max distance)