surprising lies about lifting weightsgamefaceent212May 31, 20211 min readMost people believe a bunch of lies about lifting weights, and it’s making them fat.The truth is that strength training is one of the absolute best things you can do for your health and appearance.Hopefully you don’t believe any of these lies…Read Full Story Here
Most people believe a bunch of lies about lifting weights, and it’s making them fat.The truth is that strength training is one of the absolute best things you can do for your health and appearance.Hopefully you don’t believe any of these lies…Read Full Story Here
Copy of Calculus II(beat last week)Warm up 3 rounds :25 side lunges :25 good mornings {3:00} 3 rounds :25 Frankensteins :25 froggers {6:00} 3 rounds :25 inchworms :25 db...
Pyramid Interval IIWarm up 3 rounds :25 shoulder passes :25 good morning 3 rounds :25 bird dog :25 plank 3 rounds :25 inch work :25 scorpion stretch 3...
Calculus II(Legs)Warm up 3 rounds :25 side lunges :25 good mornings {3:00} 3 rounds :25 Frankensteins :25 froggers {6:00} 3 rounds :25 inchworms :25 db...