Warm up
5 rounds
10 straight arm lat pull downs (light/warm up weight)
4 shoulder pass throughs with pvc pipe
10 superman
5 rounds
10 DB lat pullover (light/moderate weight)
4 around the world shoulder passthrough (2 on each side)
10 alternating superman
5 rounds
5-10 reps pull ups (assisted pull up as variation)
:90 rest
5 rounds
12 barbell bent over rows
12 ab rolls
5 rounds
15 1-arm db bent over row (knee on bench)
15 1-arm db bent over row (knee on bench)
:60 rest
5 rounds
12 lat pulldowns
15 seated rows
2:00 rest
5 rounds
12 underhand lat pulldown
15 leg lifts
5:00 row