Warm up
3 rounds
:60 bike (light to moderate pace)
:30 hamstring scoops
:30 Superman
3 rounds
:60 treadmill run (light to moderate pace)
:30 squat to inchworm
:30 seated row
A one minute set of changing intensities.
5 Varying Sets
:15 light (ex: 10 lbs)
:15 heavy (ex: 40 lbs)
:15 moderate (25 lbs)
:15 light (10 lbs )
:60 rest
5 Varying Sets
Goblet Squats
:15 light (ex: 15 lbs)
:15 heavy (ex: 55 lbs)
:15 moderate (35 lbs)
:15 light (ex: 15 lbs)
:60 rest
5 Varying Sets
Lat pull-down
:15 light (ex: 40 lbs)
:15 heavy (ex: 120 lbs)
:15 moderate (ex: 80 lbs)
:15 light (ex: 40 lbs)
:60 rest
5 Varying Sets
Incline DB Bench
:15 light (ex: 15 lbs)
:15 heavy (ex: 55 lbs)
:15 moderate (35 lbs)
:15 light (ex: 15 lbs)
:60 rest
5 Varying Sets
:15 body weight lunge
:15 barbell lunge (ex: 75 lbs)
:15 db lunge (35 lbs)
:15 body weight lunge (ex: 15 lbs)
:60 rest